Pre-Conference Short Courses*
SUNDAY, October 14
9:30 am Short Course Registration
Pre-Conference Short Course Description
Participants of the course will acquire a broader understanding of how to utilize the LSS principles in the academic biorepository to eliminate waste, improve processes and increase sustainability by reviewing and participating in the workflow used to
implement e-consent at VUMC CHTN.
Learning Objectives
- Learn how to identify the root cause of waste in their environment using LSS principles
- Participate in LSS exercises utilizing a “real-world” example (e-consent)
- Understand the benefits of electronic consent
Who Should Attend
- Biorepository managers
- Biorepository technicians
- Biorepository IT personnel
- Biorepository directors
Detailed Agenda
10:00 am Welcome and Introductions
10:15 Implementation of eConsent in an Academic Biorepository Utilizing Lean Six Sigma Principles
Taylor B. Daughrity, Research Assistant I, Core, CHTN Western Division, Vanderbilt University Medical Center
Ms. Daughrity’s short course presentation demonstrates a practical use of the LSS principles using the classic DMAIC strategy from her experience implementing e-Consent at CHTN Western Division. A mixture of examples and hands-on activities will
be used to challenge the biobanker’s mind to ‘think lean.’
The first section of the short course focuses on the Define and Measure Phases of DMAIC, and includes a Waste Reduction activity.
11:15 Break
11:35 Implementation of eConsent in an Academic Biorepository Utilizing Lean Six Sigma Principles (Cont.)
Taylor B. Daughrity, Research Assistant I, Core, CHTN Western Division, Vanderbilt University Medical Center
The second half of the short course focuses on the Analyze, Improve, and Control phases. This half includes an Affinity Analysis and Fishbone Diagram activity, and gives the participants a chance to be a part of CHTN Western’s Pilot launch of electronic
12:40 pm Interactive Q&A with Instructor and Participants
1:00 Close of Short Course
Instructor Biography
Taylor B. Daughrity, Research Assistant I, Core, CHTN
Western Division, Vanderbilt University Medical Center
Ms. Daughrity graduated from Union University in 2017 with a BS in Cell and Molecular Biology and is currently the lead consent staff at the Western Division of the Cooperative Human Tissue Network at Vanderbilt University Medical Center. Ms. Daughrity
is cross-trained and received certifications in a number of biorepository operations including fluids processing, consent, QAQC, SOP and training program development. Ms. Daughrity’s current project is the implementation of e-consent in an academic
biorepository setting using REDcap and LSS principles. Ms. Daughrity is a member of ESBB and ISBER and will present a poster on implementing e-consent at the 2018 annual ISBER meeting in Dallas, Texas. Ms. Daughrity’s scientific and medical
focus is pediatrics and neonatology and will be attending medical school in 2019.
Course Length and Time
3.0 hours (0.3 CEUs) 10:00 am - 1:00 pm
Course Date
October 14, 2018
FEE: $699 Commercial/$399 Academic, Government, Hospital-Affiliated
ACPE#: 0778-0000-18-068-L01-P
Released: 10/18.

Barnett International is accredited by the Accreditation Council for Pharmacy Education as a provider of continuing
pharmacy education. Participants will receive 3.0 hours (0.3 CEUs) of continuing education credit for full participation, including the completion of a pre-test, post-test, and program evaluation. Barnett International will email
ACPE statements within three weeks of program completion.
1:00 - 1:30 Lunch Provided for Participants of Both Short Courses
Pre-Conference Short Course Description
The College of American Pathologists (CAP) harnesses the power of 50+ years of clinical laboratory accreditation expertise to provide a comprehensive accreditation program for biorepositories. In this short course, participants gain an overview of the
Biorepository Accreditation Program (BAP) from the Vice Chair of the CAP BAP Committee who is also an experienced inspector. The course also reviews the most common accreditation problem areas as recently published and provides a framework for improving
overall quality in biorepositories.
Learning Objectives
At the end of this course, participants will be able to:
- Discuss the historic role of the College of American Pathologists (CAP) in improving clinical laboratory quality
- Discuss options for certification and/or accreditation of biorepositories
- Define the College of American Pathologists’ Biorepository Accreditation Program
- Understand the overall goals of a CAP Biorepository Accreditation On-Site Inspection
- Name the most commonly cited deficiencies from the first five years of the CAP BAP
- Formulate ideas for addressing common problem areas in their own biorepositories
Who Should Attend
- Biobank staff, managers, and those interested in the practicalities of CAP Accreditation
- Hospital or biobank administrators deciding if CAP Accreditation is appropriate for their facility
- Pathologists and Clinical Laboratory leaders familiar with CLIA interested in CAP Biobanking Accreditation
Detailed Agenda
1:30 pm Welcome and Introductions
1:40 Presentation by Shannon J. McCall
3:10 Break
3:25 Presentation by Shannon J. McCall
4:10 Interactive Q&A with Instructors and Participants
4:30 Close of Short Course
Instructor Biography
Shannon J. McCall, MD, Associate Professor of Pathology, Duke University School
of Medicine; Director, BioRepository & Precision Pathology Center; Vice Chair, College of American Pathologists’ Biorepository Accreditation Program Committee
Dr. Shannon McCall is an Associate Professor of Pathology at Duke University. She is also board-certified in Clinical Informatics. Dr. McCall is a practicing GI pathologist who has served as a team member on many translational science investigations including
The Cancer Genome Atlas (TCGA). She has been the Director of the Duke BioRepository & Precision Pathology Center (BRPC) since 2013. She serves as principal investigator for Duke’s institutional broad consent biobanking protocol which has
gained the participation of over 4,700 patients so far. She co-leads the Precision Cancer Medicine Initiative at Duke which includes overseeing Duke’s participation in the American Association of Cancer Research’s ‘GENIE’ data-sharing
project. Dr. McCall is a member of the International Society of Biological and Environmental Repositories (ISBER) Standards Committee and is currently serving as the Vice Chair of the Biorepository Accreditation Program Committee of the College of
American Pathologists (CAP).
Course Length and Time
3.0 hours (0.3 CEUs) 1:30 - 4:30 pm
Course Date
October 14, 2018
FEE: $699 Commercial/$399 Academic, Government, Hospital-Affiliated
ACPE#: 0778-0000-18-069-L01-P
Released: 10/18.

Barnett International is accredited by the Accreditation Council for Pharmacy Education as a provider of continuing
pharmacy education. Participants will receive 3.0 hours (0.3 CEUs) of continuing education credit for full participation, including the completion of a pre-test, post-test, and program evaluation. Barnett International will email
ACPE statements within three weeks of program completion.
* Separate registration required